At SABRIANA HUMAN HAIR, we respect your personal information and in accordance with keeping the respective security policies concerning 

entire site, which should be mandatory, we inform you as follows.

Privacy of personal data:

Your personal data correspond only to you and this web site is responsible for not revealing any kind of information that belongs to 

you (such as email, telephone numbers, etc.), without your expressed authorization or incidents that may occur beyond our control such as 

hacks or impersonations.

Responsibility for the opinions expressed:

Publications by way of articles (also called posts) are the responsibility of SABRINA HUMAN HAIR, the comments made by visitors, are 

the responsibility of the visitor that is making the comment.

Security of your personal information:

SABRINA HUMAN HAIR is responsible to ensure your safety, the privacy of your information and for the respect of your information, in accordance 

with the limitations of the current Internet provides us, being aware that we are not excluded from any attack by hackers or malicious users 

that engage in cybercrime.

Getting your information:

All personal data entered on this site are supplied by you, making full use of your freedom to do so. The information stored here only includes 

basic data entered through contact forms, comments, or others such as these.

Use of information:

By providing us with your personal information, agreeing to the Privacy Policy here recorded, you authorize us for the following use of your 


a) for the same purpose for which it has been supplied;

b) to consider it within our traffic statistics, thus increasing our offers of advertising and marketing;

c) to better target the services offered and rating them at your discretion, and d) to send e-mails with our newsletters, answer questions or comments and to keep our users 
