Return Policy

General Policy for Shipments

The following terms apply for all shipments processed in and out of the U.S.

The prices published on the website do not include cost of shipping within the U.S. unless specifically stated in the invoice or any promotion, the prices of products may change at any time without prior notice, it is not allowed to combine promotions of any kind other than those presented on this site.

The customer promises to provide a valid address within the U.S. or the country in question where the delivery of their order can be made. If the customer provides an address that is not found by the post office or shipping company, any other additional cost will be covered by the customer.

All shipments made by us and our supplier's delivery companies are perfectly packaged, should your order be delivered with physical damage done by our delivery providers, you should add a notation at the time of signing the manifest to the delivery company’s employee indicating that the package shows signs of damage (open box, damaged, perforated, wet, etc.).  Without this notation, you are approving the receipt of the package.  If delivery service employee does not allow you to make a notation on the manifest of delivery, you must not accept the package.

If you suspect that the box that is given to you by the delivery company’s employee does not contain the items you purchased either by weight or size of the packaging, you should not accept it while indicating to the delivery company’s employee the reasons for not accepting the package and you should report it with us immediately to make the clarification of your order.

Once the package is received by you or any person at the delivery address, you have 24 hours to report anomalies of missing or physical damage to your order, after this time period, you may not change the order or make any claims.


The customer should provide the complete information of the courier or of the company that will receive their package located within the U.S., that will receive the package in their name, with this you authorize us to deliver the package on your behalf, once the courier or the company that will receive the package to which you have authorized us to deliver your package, receives your order, our delivery commitment has been concluded.

Personal Deliveries

In this manner, products that exist in the warehouse can be picked up immediately in our business office, once the order is processed and the payment has been made. The order must be picked up within a maximum of 24 hours once you receive notification that it is ready for pick up. It is important that you notify us if you cannot pick up your order in that time period and we will reschedule the pick-up.

If your payment does not include a deposit or bank transfer, it can take up to 1 business day to process according to the payment policies.

The address of our business office, reference number and delivery instructions will be notified to you by email, or one of our representatives will be in contact with you once your payment has been verified and your order has been processed at our warehouse.

When picking up your order in person, you must present an official identification (Military Credential, Driver’s License, if you are a foreigner, you may present your Passport and/or any other document that proves your nationality). If you do not have any of these identifications, it is important that you inform us via email at sales@sabrinahumanhair.com the full name of another person that does meet these requirements and then you may pick up your order. This measure is for the sole purpose of delivering the order to the person authorized.


Payments with Deposits or Wire Transfers 
In this manner, products that are available are usually shipped in 24 business hours (Monday through Friday) once your deposit has been verified and your order has been processed at the warehouse.
To expedite the release of the order, it is important that you notify us of your payment at:
ail: finance@avasgroup.com
By phone:
Main office: 786-607-2282

It is not necessary to send proof of your deposit or transfer, in the event that a clarification is needed, a sales representative will be in contact with you to request more information of your payment.
Please take note that if your deposit is done with a check from another bank, the payment is credited on the following business day and once credited, we will release your order.

Payments with credit or debit card

In this manner, the products are shipped once your issuing bank and the Security Department of the Bank that processes the charge releases your payment. This is usually the next business day after your payment. AVAS GLOBAL GROUP LLC reserves the right to cancel any payment that does not comply with the requirements requested by the Bank, this means that in certain cases you may be asked to send us a copy of your ID and/or proof of address and other documents that prove your identity only in order to verify it.

For payments with credit or debit card, AVAS GLOBAL GROUP LLC uses the authorization of the transaction in its terms and conditions that the customer accepts that the information will be forwarded to the bank issuing the card for its validation and authorization. If any of the requested documents are missing, your payment will be reversed.

Payments with PayPal

In this manner, the products are shipped when the payment system notifies and release the payment. If your account is verified by PayPal, usually it is released the same day as the payment and if it is not verified by PayPal your payment will be processed at no later than the next business day.

AVAS GLOBAL GROUP LLC only remits the client's information to the third party (in this case PayPal) so you can process the payment and to notify AVAS GLOBAL GROUP LLC the authorization of the transaction. AVAS GLOBAL GROUP LLC has stipulated in its terms and conditions that the customer accepts that the information will be forwarded to a third party for its validation and authorization.

The orders that are paid with this method of payment can only receive their shipment at the address authorized by PayPal and only within U.S. territory.
Time of Delivery

The product's delivery time starts at the moment the order is released.
The estimated delivery time will be provided to you at the conclusion of your order and will be confirmed via email or via telephone.
Time of delivery for products that are in Stock

The delivery time for products that are in stock depends on the release of your order according to the method of payment and the type of shipping you selected.
Delivery time for products that are Out of Stock

The approximate time of delivery for products that are Out of Stock is 3 to 4 weeks, SABRINA HUMAN HAIR is in communication with the vendor or manufacturer of the products that are out of stock, however, because of the vendor or manufacturer’s policies, they may decide:
·        To not replace any product because of their commercial policies or any other circumstance beyond our company’s control, in this case you will be notified by email so you can decide to replace your product with another item or to cancel your order.
·        Fulfill the order in a longer time period than the one estimated, in this case you will be notified email so that you can decide if you want to continue to wait or cancel your order. Orders paid with more than 6 weeks in advance have a money-back guarantee, which means that you can request a refund of the amount already paid.
If your order includes several products that are not in stock, your order will be sent at the moment that your entire order is completely in stock, if you need it be sent separately you will be charged a shipping fee each time an item comes back into stock.